Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Cross-Genred Author

In my mind there are at least a dozen story lines fighting for space at any given time. Some are humorous, some romantic or suspenseful. There are those that involve fanciful fantasy with giants and dragons, or murder and mystery. With so many genres to choose from, how can I pick just one?

There is the old saying that goes something like this, 'good at many, great at none'. Or something like that anyhow. I know of a number of authors that are cross-genred. I must admit, for some of them, that saying is true, others, like John Grisham or Nora Roberts, they could write a nursery rhyme and it would be a best seller.

Obviously, having yet to have published any material, I am not sure what genre I am best at. I aspire to be great at several at least. One, however comes naturally- crime, murder and mayhem. Possibly because my imagination runs wild whenever I am out hiking or bike riding. Or possibly because I've watched too many  episodes of crime drama on CBS.

I've leaned towards mystery and crime in my first project and am about to write a children's book based on a childhood story my mom used to tell me. There are a few futuristic sci-fi's spinning around this noggin of mine and a good old fashioned good vs. evil story I started many years ago. I hope you'll help me find my niche. I also hope I can be great at many!

Here's to the Cross-Genred writer in all of us.... not to be confused with the cross gendered version.

Till next time ~ Lori


  1. LOVE this post thought I am laughing because I DID read it as cross gendered at first. Too funny. Many books and stories cross genre within a single piece of work...and they work! Great topic.

  2. Beautiful blog, Lori, and my eyes didn't cross once! ;o)

    As for cross-genre authors, I'm in the same boat you are. I started by writing Regency romances because it was what I knew best. But my love of Gothic romances and mysteries also influences my writing so there are bits of those genres in my romances. Then I wrote a fantasy and that was fun as well as challenging. My flash fiction and short stories seem to lean more toward horror or at least the macabre. I think I'll probably always be a romance writer at heart but writing other genres is fun and good practice.

    I wish you the best in finding your niche. In the meantime, enjoy the ride. :o)

  3. Loved the title of your post Lori! I made the same mistake Linda did! I thought, boy, I have GOT to read this!! :-)

    I have the same problem. I am not sure what genre I fit into...there are elements of different ones in the things I write. I started out strictly as a writer and illustrator of kids books, but have branched out to short stories and now even working on some longer stuff. It is hard to pin a label on some stories.

    For example...Thelma and of my all time favorite movies. It is a classic buddy story, but also a road trip, a crime drama, a tragedy, a me these are the very best kinds of stories. I am not sure we have to pigeon hole ourselves into one genre. But then, I have never been published! I guess when you get into being published you kind of become known for your niche.

    Guess that wasn't very helpful! But I wanted to throw my two cents in and say I love your blog! As long as you are having fun I think you are on the right path!
